76% of Workers Unprepared for a Digital-First World
Salesforce's recently released Global Digital Skills Index points to some concerning numbers. According to reporting by Fortune, the report shows that 76% of workers do not feel prepared for a workplace that "prioritize[s] tech savviness and a digital-first mindset."
Unsurprisingly, the skills gap and interest in learning expands as worker age increases. The study identified three major skill gaps:
Everyday digital skills such as using collaboration tools
Advanced digital skills (such as coding and AI) across all generations with only 31% of Gen Z'ers reporting that they are "very equipped" in these skills
Digital leadership skills. While senior leaders mostly reported that they had the necessary skills, their team members did not agree, with the study indicating that this represents a disconnect in expectations
The report concludes by connecting this skills gap with risks to business growth and relevance and puts much of the onus of closing these gaps on enterprise organizations themselves.
Read the Fortune article here. Read Salesforce's report summary here.